A Blind Man’s Eyes are Opened

“Now Jesus was ridin’ the trail with His pardners when He saw a fellow that had been blind his whole life. Jesus stopped and got down off His horse . . . He spat on the ground and rolled up a piece of mud made from His spit, and daubed the mud on the blind fella’s eyes. And then He told the man, ‘Now, go over yonder to that Siloam pond.’ So he went off and washed and when he came back he could see.”–John 9:1-7 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style).

 Four Steps to Knowing Jesus

Truly, this was a great miracle. All those who knew the man were amazed because they had known him from birth; that he was born blind. But now he could see. How did this happen? Who was this man who had healed him? As the formerly blind man grappled to understand the answers himself, Scripture tells us that through a progressive realization he came to understand who it was who had healed him. It was a great miracle that a Continue reading “A Blind Man’s Eyes are Opened”

You must be Born-Again!

“Ol; Nicodemus came to Jesus one night. He needed to talk real bad. He said to Jesus, ‘Mister, we know that God has done sent You as a teacher. Nobody can do all the miracles and stuff that You’ve been doin’ unless God is a-makin’ it so.’ Jesus said to ol’ Nick, ‘Listen up, ‘cause here’s how it is. For sure unless anybody is born again, he can’t see heaven.’”—John 3:2-3 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style) Please accept my invitation to connect with me at www.cowboygospel.net. Pastor Mel

The Church ~ The Bride of Christ

Father's Spread

“There’s plenty of room on My Father’s spread; if it weren’t so I would tell ya. I’m goin’ there to get a place ready and fttin’ for every single one of y’all”–John 14:2 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style).

Sermon Help

When Jesus told His disciples He would be going to His Father’s House to prepare a place for them, He was relating a beautiful analogy of the Jewish wedding ceremony. After the betrothal, or a marriage covenant had been established between bride and groom, the bridegroom would return to his father’s house. For about 12 months he would be absent from his betrothed bride, during which time he would prepare/build living accommodations for her in his father’s house. After the addition had been complected and according to the time set by his father (a time unknown to the bride and groom, a time known only  to the father), he would return to his bride for the wedding ceremony, and then fetch her home to his father’s house.

This is the promise Jesus is making on the night of His betrayal to His disciples in the upper room and to the Church, the Bride of Christ: That He indeed would return to His Father’s House (heaven) where a place would be prepared for us–“In My Father’s House are many dwelling places” (John 14:2).  And at the appointed hour, a time known only to the Father He will come again and receive us to our heavenly home, “that where He is, we may be also” (John 14:3).

Steps in a Jewish Wedding

  1. The Betrothal – The establishment of the marriage covenant.
  2. Bridal Chamber Prepared – The son returns to his father’s house and prepares the bridal chamber.
  3. Bride Fetched – At a time determined by the father (Matthew 24:36), the groom fetches the bride to bring her to his father’s house.


Welcome to My Blog

Howdy! Welcome to my blog. My name is Mel Hooten. I am country born and country raised. My passion is to serve the Lord and to assist others who have the same passion and calling. Along with my wife, Karen we are authors of Searching Heart & Scripture and other books and material that will aid you in ministry whether you are a pastor, preacher, teacher or a believer who is genuinely interested is serving others in Christ’s Name.

For 45 years’ I served the Lord in Christian ministry. I know about the ups and downs, the highs and the lows and the heart-aches, but always the immeasurable joy of serving God.

The purpose of CowboyCountryGospel is to provide you with practical helps in some key areas of your calling. We want to address the needs of pastor, preacher and/or teacher as well as the Christian lay person. It is specifically designed to help meet your ministry needs in such areas as . . .

  • Sermon Preparation
  • Sermon and Teaching Material
  • Small Group Bible Studies
  • Outreach
  • Personal Devotions

 CowboyCountryGospel will address areas of ministry with topics such as:

  • Downloadable Sermon and/or Sermon Outline
  • Stories and Illustrations
  • Small Group Bible Study Material selected from Searching Heart & Scripture
  • Cowboy Lingo – (word of the week for church bulletin/newsletter)
  • Verse of the Week
  • Weekly Bible Reading Guide
  • Outreach Helps/Tips

We are looking forward to getting to know you and interacting with you through this blog. It is never our intention that this blog remain static but that it will be flexible enough to meet and address your ministry and/or personal needs. Please respond to us in the contact box with suggestions or questions or perhaps just to address a personal or prayer need. We are here to help; to be your friend in ministry.

We’ll be returning here frequently with new posts and responses to feedback from you. Until next time, Happy Trails to you!