Fence Post Devotional “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

Painting by Jeff Segler

An Appointment to Keep

“Jesus figured it was gettin’ ‘bout time to move on to Galilee. So He cleared on out of Judea for the time bein’. He was of a mind to follow the trail through Samaria, so they lit out” John 4:3-4 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”).

When Jesus and His disciples left Judea to travel to Galilee, John made this interesting note of His traveling plans: “He was of a mind to follow the trail through Samaria.” The KJV has it, “He must needs go through Samaria.

There were other routes to Galilee other than through Samaria, But Jesus determined, “He must needs go through Samaria.” Some orthodox Jews determined not to go through Samaria. But Jesus, Himself being a Jew had no such reservations. He said, “I must needs go through Samaria.”

But why go through Samaria? Well, the simple answer is, Jesus had an appointment to keep; an appointment that was made in eternity past, even before the foundations of the world were laid. She didn’t know it, but Jesus did. He must go through Samaria,  meet with a woman at an ancient well and offer her the gift of a lifetime, “Living Water” so she would never thirst again.

Did you know that Jesus has made an appointment with you? And like with the woman of Samaria, He offers you the most wonderful gift of all, “A well of water springing up to eternal life” (John 4:10).

And here is the amazing thing. He makes the appointment. He must needs find you. The woman of Samaria was at a well. I was in my backyard. It really doesn’t matter where you are. With overwhelming love He searches for you and finds you. And like with the “Woman of Samaria,” He offers to you the gift of eternal life.

Yam Sing, when presenting himself for membership in a Bible believing Church was asked by the Pastor, “How did you find Jesus?” Answered in his broken English, “I no find Jesus at all, He find Me.”

Time Alone with our Heavenly Father

Have you noticed the number of times the Gospel writers mentioned Jesus slipping away so He could be alone with His Father?

• After feeding the 5000— Matthew 14:23.
• Before appointing the twelve apostles— Luke 6:12.
• Jesus’ withdrew “to the mountain by himself alone”— John 6:15.
• The High Priestly Payer of Jesus— John 17.

It strikes me that if Jesus needed those times to be alone with His Father, then it certainly behooves us with our human frailties to daily seek out those times too.

If you don’t already have a scheduled time to be alone with the Father, then Continue reading “Time Alone with our Heavenly Father”

Is Your Favorite Bible a Translation, Version or a Paraphrase & What is the Difference?

According to the “Guinness Book of World Records”, the Bible is still the best-selling book of all times. And it has been translated in more languages and dialects than any book ever written. “Wikipedia” records that “The full Bible has been translated into 670 languages, the New Testament has been translated into 1,521 languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,121 other languages. Thus at least some part of the Bible has been translated into 3,312 languages.”

And have you noticed the great number of translations of the Bible in  modern English on the market today? Since 1900, there have been over 200 + New Translations of the full Bible or  only of the New or Old Testament. The most common and most popular include . . . Continue reading “Is Your Favorite Bible a Translation, Version or a Paraphrase & What is the Difference?”