Fence Post Devotionals “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

The Resurrection and the Life

“Then Jesus did sure ‘nough proclaim to Miss Martha. He said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life; anyone who believes in Me will live even when he dies’” (John 11:25).

I can tell you exactly where I was standing and what I was doing when the full meaning of that verse hit me: It just plain ol’ dawned on me that a genuine born-again Christian will never die! Listen to what Jesus is saying to Martha . . .

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:25-26).

Lazarus, a personal friend of Jesus, has died and Jesus has come to visit Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters to console them. But, He has come to do more than comfort. He has come to show them His glory and authority over death.

He says it very plainly to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me . . . shall never die.” Then in order to demonstrate that to Martha and those standing by, He walks to the tomb of Lazarus and with His authoritative voice of power over death demands Lazarus to come out of the grave.

You see, the resurrection and life is not just a doctrine; it is a person. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Isn’t that incredible? When we believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal savior, we through His Divine power and authority overcome death and the grave. “He who believes in Jesus shall never die.

So, dear Christian friend, when the day comes that you close your eyes in death, be assured that it is just your old decaying body that is buried; not your soul. Your soul is raised to be with Jesus in His heavenly home for time without end. (John 14:3)

“Think of stepping on shore and finding it heaven,

Think of taking hold of a hand and finding it God’s,

Think of breathing new air and finding it celestial,

Think of feeling invigorated and finding it immortality,

Think of passing through tempest to a new and unknown calm,

Think of waking up well and finding it home.”

                                         Don Wytzen

Fence Post Devotionals “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

The Narrow Way

“But Thomas said, ‘Boss, we don’t know the trail You’re takin’ and no idea what direction You’re headed; so how can we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; there is only one trail to the Father and it’s through Me’” John 14:5-6 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”).

A number of years ago I had the privilege of preaching in an evangelistic crusade in Seoul, South Korea. One day on a tour of the city, my host took me to what he described as one of the most historical places in South Korea, a place that was popularly known as “South Gate.”

South Gate was one of eight gates in an ancient wall that was built to serve as a protective fortress around the city. This one gate was significant in that when Seoul was under siege, it served as the only entrance into the city. I clarified with my Korean Interpreter, “this was the only way into the city?” He said, “It was the one and only way!”

That night I used John 14:6 as my sermon text. When I talked about Jesus being the only way to salvation, I said, “Jesus is South Gate!” Eyes of understanding were opened and many came to respond to Jesus as the one and only way to eternal salvation.

Folks through the centuries have tried to find other ways to heaven other than through the “One Way.” They have tried good works, religious rituals, church alliances; some have even tried to buy their way in. But all to no avail. It is as futile to try to be saved by our own way as it would to have tried to enter the City of Seoul when under attack by any other way than through “South Gate.”

The Bible says that the way to salvation is narrow (Matthew 7:13-14). No one can come to the Father except through the shed blood of Jesus.

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation (sacrifice) for our sins” (1 John 4:10).

Fence Post Devotional “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

No Greater Love

“Ya see, God loves this world so much, that He gave His one and only Son to die, so that every man, woman, boy and girl who believes in Him will not die, but will be a-livin’ forever” John 3:16 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”).

It’s one thing for a man to offer up his life on behalf of others. Some through history have done that. Given the right circumstance, you or I might be willing. In fact, Jesus at one point told His disciples “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

But, to give up one’s own son? Now that’s an altogether different thing. I might be willing to lay down my life, but to voluntarily lay down the life of my son for the sake of others, even perhaps for my enemies; that would be a difficult, maybe even an impossible choice.

There is one who from ancient Biblical history knew about such a choice. On Mt. Moriah, Abraham placed his son on an altar, his son of promise. And within a millisecond of fatally plunging a knife into Issac, God stayed his hand and offered-up a substitute instead.

Years later, on another mount, outside the city of Jerusalem, A Father stood by as His only Son was nailed to a cross as a sacrifice for all mankind. This time the sacrificial hand was not stayed. But sin, death and Satan were allowed to do their worst to the Son of God so that the best might be done for us.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

Fence Post Devotional “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

Painting by Jeff Segler

An Appointment to Keep

“Jesus figured it was gettin’ ‘bout time to move on to Galilee. So He cleared on out of Judea for the time bein’. He was of a mind to follow the trail through Samaria, so they lit out” John 4:3-4 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”).

When Jesus and His disciples left Judea to travel to Galilee, John made this interesting note of His traveling plans: “He was of a mind to follow the trail through Samaria.” The KJV has it, “He must needs go through Samaria.

There were other routes to Galilee other than through Samaria, But Jesus determined, “He must needs go through Samaria.” Some orthodox Jews determined not to go through Samaria. But Jesus, Himself being a Jew had no such reservations. He said, “I must needs go through Samaria.”

But why go through Samaria? Well, the simple answer is, Jesus had an appointment to keep; an appointment that was made in eternity past, even before the foundations of the world were laid. She didn’t know it, but Jesus did. He must go through Samaria,  meet with a woman at an ancient well and offer her the gift of a lifetime, “Living Water” so she would never thirst again.

Did you know that Jesus has made an appointment with you? And like with the woman of Samaria, He offers you the most wonderful gift of all, “A well of water springing up to eternal life” (John 4:10).

And here is the amazing thing. He makes the appointment. He must needs find you. The woman of Samaria was at a well. I was in my backyard. It really doesn’t matter where you are. With overwhelming love He searches for you and finds you. And like with the “Woman of Samaria,” He offers to you the gift of eternal life.

Yam Sing, when presenting himself for membership in a Bible believing Church was asked by the Pastor, “How did you find Jesus?” Answered in his broken English, “I no find Jesus at all, He find Me.”

What is so Amazing about God’s Amazing Grace?

“Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me”

God’s Amazing grace is something that Paul never got over. Eighty-five times he wrote about grace. You never have to go far in any of his letters without running into the word, “grace”. Three times he recorded the time, when on his way to Damascus to imprison Christians he came face-to-face with the Amazing Grace of God; grace,  that saved even a wretch like him. Continue reading “What is so Amazing about God’s Amazing Grace?”