It is Finished!

It is Finished

“When Jesus had done tasted the sour vinegar He said, ‘It is finished!’ And He bowed His head and died.” John 19:30 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style)

On our little ranch, there was always work to be done, so my father would assign chores for me to do, like feed the cattle, repair a broken fence, dig up prickly pears, clean the barn, and whatever else he could think of. Later he would ask me, “Son, did you get it all done?” And I’d usually say, “yep, I finished the work you gave me to do.”

Jesus came to earth, sent by His Father to perform an assignment He had given Him. That assignment involved being nailed to a cross to die as our perfect substitute in order that our sins may be forgiven. The last words Jesus spoke from the cross before giving up His life in death were addressed to His Father, “It is finished!” “It is over . . . the task is complete, the work You sent Me to do is done!” The death of the Son of God was once for all. Nothing else, no other work, no other sacrifice will ever have to be paid for our salvation. His death on the cross finished the work His Father gave Him to do!

                                                                 – Searching Heart & Scripture page 158

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