Fence Post Devotionals “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

Most Profound Truth of All Time

“Ya see, God loves this world so much, that he gave His one and only Son to die, so that every man, woman, boy and girl who believes in Him will not die, but will be a-livin’ forever” John 3:16 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style).

One of our most familiar hymns and perhaps with the simplest message is a song usually regarded as a children’s song . . .

Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so 

These enduring words first appeared in a novel written by Susan Warner in the 1800’s called “Say and Seal.” They were penned by her younger sister, Anna Bartlett Warner who wrote them as a comforting poem to a dying child.

But the one to whom we owe thanks for arranging it as a song is William Bradbury. When he discovered the poem, he added a refrain and put it to music as one of the most beloved hymns of all time.

Maybe you remember singing this song as a youngster. Perhaps it brings back  memories of standing with other children in a musty church classroom and singing the words to this tune; words that have forever become etched in your mind, your heart and your memory.

Perhaps the reason that this song is so meaningful and so lovingly speaks to our heart is that the words and the message of the song comes from God’s heart. Yes, He loves us: children, adults, sinners and all. In fact, we don’t have to do anything to make Him love us. He loves us already; just like we are. John was later to write . . .

“In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10)

It is reputed that Karl Barth, a well-known twentieth-century theologian, was asked to summarize the most profound truths from the thousands of pages of Christian theology books he’d written, he said simply this . . .

“Jesus loves me! this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” 

That’s it: the Gospel message in one sentence. Even the most renowned theologian of all time acknowledged it to be so and so can you . . .

Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so 

Author: Mel Hooten

Pastor Mel Hooten has 45 years’ experience in Christian ministry. Since retiring from serving as a traditional church pastor in 2008, God has led him back to his roots to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ into the world of ranchers, rodeo riders, cowboys and cowgirls who often do not feel comfortable in traditional church. Folks who love western heritage, county music, working with livestock, or cowboys at heart who prefer a simple down-to-earth approach to life; these are those to whom Mel seeks out. Pastor Mel has served as a church planter for the Western Heritage division of Texas Baptists to start the Cowboy Church of Tarrant County near Fort Worth, Texas. Currently Mel wants to continue to bring good news to those who seek the truth and make available his Bible messages, devotionals, and lessons for those who preach and teach. Mel brings a simple gospel message with a western flair. In addition, God uses him to teach practical ways to ride the range with Jesus every day. The trails of life will bring us to rivers that must be crossed and steep hills we can’t climb alone. With Jesus, we can weather the storms and ride through the valleys. He will give guidance and provisions when we get bucked off. Indeed, there is a trail that leads home. Mel’s mission is to help every person he encounters to find it. Mel and his wife, Karen, currently live in Aubrey, Texas. They like to travel in their RV and enjoy the great outdoors with their grandchildren. They are available for ministry wherever God leads them.