Fence Post Devotional “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”


“I keep sayin’ these things to ya so y’all can know My blessin’ deep down inside and be mighty pleased to overflowin’.” John 15:11 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style)

“The New American Standard Version” says it like this . . .

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”

An informal survey was taken among a group of participants (a group of about 50) aged 25-65 and had all the basics covered, in terms of shelter, food and clothing. A single question was asked: What do you want “more of” in your life? The number one answer: “to be happy!”

We might let that go, with such a small group being surveyed. But in other similar surveys with essentially the same question, the exact number one answer kept popping up: “I want to be happy.” One survey listed the top ten, with happiness, again at the top of the list. Curiously at number 6 on the list was the wish for more “joy” in their life.

I find it interesting that on the night of His betrayal, when Jesus spoke these words (John 15:11) to His disciples, He didn’t talk to them about being happy, the number one greatest wish by most folks. Instead, Jesus desired for His followers that they would be “joyful.”

Why not happiness? Why didn’t Jesus say to His disciples as He was saying goodbye to them, “My wish for you is that you might be happy?” Well, it is likely because happiness is temporary; it is passing. You can be happy one moment and sad the next. Happiness is also dependent upon circumstances, situations, feelings, physical and emotional needs.

Whereas, joy comes from an entirely different source, at least the joy Jesus was speaking about to His disciples; a joy that is dependent not upon human resources and needs but upon the unwavering provisions and resources of God through the person of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, joy is one of those spiritual qualities listed in the “Fruit of the Spirit” that Paul says is inherited by those who “walk by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16, 22).  Here is a good Biblical definition of joy . . .

“Joy is a feeling of good pleasure and happiness that is dependent on who Jesus is rather than on who we are or what is happening around us. Joy comes from the Holy Spirit, abiding in God’s presence and from hope in His word.”                                                        – Avery Rimiller

You see, Jesus in the Upper Room that night knew what was coming. He knew what great tribulation and trouble the disciples would be facing. So, His prayer for them was that they would be filled up with the powerful presence of God’s joy so they would not lose hope in the following days.

Same is true for us. Just as the disciples, in this world we will go through troubling times. And in those times we may be tempted to give up hope. But Jesus’ promise, even and especially in trials and tribulations, says to us, “be of good cheer” (don’t give up hope) “I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

And with parting words as they left the Upper Room that fateful night, Jesus said to His disciples . . .

“Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.” (John 16:22)

“It is His joy that remains in us that makes our joy full.”     A. B. Simpson

Author: Mel Hooten

Pastor Mel Hooten has 45 years’ experience in Christian ministry. Since retiring from serving as a traditional church pastor in 2008, God has led him back to his roots to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ into the world of ranchers, rodeo riders, cowboys and cowgirls who often do not feel comfortable in traditional church. Folks who love western heritage, county music, working with livestock, or cowboys at heart who prefer a simple down-to-earth approach to life; these are those to whom Mel seeks out. Pastor Mel has served as a church planter for the Western Heritage division of Texas Baptists to start the Cowboy Church of Tarrant County near Fort Worth, Texas. Currently Mel wants to continue to bring good news to those who seek the truth and make available his Bible messages, devotionals, and lessons for those who preach and teach. Mel brings a simple gospel message with a western flair. In addition, God uses him to teach practical ways to ride the range with Jesus every day. The trails of life will bring us to rivers that must be crossed and steep hills we can’t climb alone. With Jesus, we can weather the storms and ride through the valleys. He will give guidance and provisions when we get bucked off. Indeed, there is a trail that leads home. Mel’s mission is to help every person he encounters to find it. Mel and his wife, Karen, currently live in Aubrey, Texas. They like to travel in their RV and enjoy the great outdoors with their grandchildren. They are available for ministry wherever God leads them.