Jesus Feeds the Hungry Crowd

Jesus Blesses a Meager Lunch and With it Feeds Thousands

Jesus hardly sat down ‘til He looked up and saw a huge herd of folks a-comin’ for more teachin’. He tested His pardner Philip by askin’ him, “Where do you reckon we’ll buy bread to feed all these people who are a-comin’?” . . . ol’ Andrew, Peter’s brother, he spoke basket of biscuitsup, “All we got is this little cowboy here that’s got five biscuits and a couple of little perch packed for his lunch . . . Jesus gave thanks for the biscuits and they started passin’ them around. Then He did the same with the fish ‘til every single one had plenty–John 6:5-11 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style).


“What a miracle, when Jesus took that young lad’s lunch that consisted of a handful of biscuits and a couple of small fish and with His blessings fed thousands. By this miracle we can know the way it is when Jesus blesses something. He can take that which is small and make it big. He can take the offering of our service and use it to the grater good for His Kingdom. Never underestimate what God can do with what little we hand to Him in faith.” Searching Heart and Scripture, page 49.

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