“Every now and then a drover would find a waterin’ hole or ride up on a creek or river where he could wash off the trail dust. Just like us he could only get the outside of his body clean. Soap n’ water can’t clean the inside. Our thoughts, our lusts, our sinful desires can only be changed by a spiritual transformation.
Jesus calls it ‘being born again’. Ya see, if we are going to heaven we’re gonna have to have a second birth. The first birth is physical (‘whoever is born of account of the flesh has a fleshly birthin’). But the second birth is spiritual (‘but whoever gets born of the Spirit has a spiritual birhin’). Only those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God can have a spiritual birth. That’s what cleans us up on the inside.” (Searching Heart & Scripture” page 22).
“Jesus answered him again like this, ‘I’m a tellin you, unless a person is born of water and the Spirit, that person can never enter the Kingdom of God. The fact of the matter is whoever is born on account of the flesh has a fleshly birthin’, But whoever gets born of the Holy Spirit has a spiritual birthin’. So don’t be thrown off your horse when I say that ya must be born a second time’”—John 3:5-7 (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style).