Turning Water into Wine ~ Beginning of Miracles

“This was the beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.” John 2:11

John records turning of water into wine as Jesus’ first miracle or sign. Jesus performed lots of miracles when He was on earth. The gospel of John records seven . . .

“By believin’ you can have everlastin’ life in His Name”
  1. Turning water into wine—John 2:1-11
  2. Healing of a boy—John 4:46-54
  3. Healing of a man by a pool—John 5:1-9
  4. Feeding of the 5000—John 6:5-13
  5. Jesus walking on water—John 6:19
  6. Healing of a blind man—John 9:1-7
  7. Raising Lazarus from the dead—John 11:38-44

John picked out these miracles as proof that Jesus is truly God, the very Son of God. He states this in John 20:30-31 “Now there’s a whole lot more signs and miracles Jesus did when He was with His disciples that ain’t wrote down in this book, but these here are a handful of ‘em kept in this record so y’all might each one believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believin’ you can have everlastin’ life in His Name” (The Gospel of John Cowboy Style).

“Searching Heart & Scripture with the Gospel of John Cowboy Style” page 17


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