A Selfless Act of Courage that Saved Others

John Wayne said, “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”

Enough good cannot be said about Kendrick Ray Castillo, the High School senior at STEM School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado who tackled the shooter at the STEM School shooting, an act of bravery that probably saved the lives of many other students.

No one knows what went through the mind of this brave young man before charging out of his seat and tackling the gunman. But according to reports his action was instantaneous, without thought for his own life or well-being.

Truly it was an act of bravery and courage. Had it not been for him and the aid of the other two students who helped tackle the shooter, others possibly would have been either wounded or killed.

Young people going to the dogs? Not on your life! I bet my-boots any day on a generation of young men and women like Kendrick Ray Castillo.

May the name, Kendrick Ray Castillo be long remembered as the courageous young hero of Highlands Ranch, Colorado who gave up his life that others could live.


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