
The Second Birth

“Every now and then a drover would find a waterin’ hole or ride up on a creek or river where he could wash off the trail dust. Just like us he could only get the outside of his body clean. Soap n’ water can’t clean the inside. Our thoughts, our lusts, our sinful desires can […]


It is Finished!

It is Finished On our little ranch, there was always work to be done, so my father would assign chores for me to do, like feed the cattle, repair a broken fence, dig up prickly pears, clean the barn, and whatever else he could think of. Later he would ask me, “Son, did you get


The Magnetism of the Cross

The Magnetism of the Cross Jesus said that if He was lifted up from the earth on a cross, He  would “draw all men unto Himself.” There is a magnetism to the cross of Jesus Christ. The cross has a drawing power . . . it draws all men to Christ? What is it that


Turning Water into Wine ~ Beginning of Miracles

“This was the beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.” John 2:11 John records turning of water into wine as Jesus’ first miracle or sign. Jesus performed lots of miracles when He was on earth. The gospel of John records seven .

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