Bible Study


Fence Post Devotional “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

“So John told ‘em, ‘I baptize in  water, but there is a Fella who stands amongst us that y’all ain’t met yet. I ain’t even worthy to unbuckle His spurs off His boots for Him’” John 1:26-27 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”). John the Baptist was one tough dude. He had lived his entire […]


Fence Post Devotional “Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

“Before time was ever started, Jesus was there. Jesus was with God and Jesus was surely God. Before ever any woods or prairies or herds, He was there. At the very first rodeo when the chute opened He was right there with God” John 1:1-2 How long has Jesus existed? Well, the down-home honest truth


What is the Purpose of the Church?

What is God’s Purpose of the Church? Is it a place of worship? Is it a place of Christian fellowship? Is it a place where believers can be strengthened and equipped for the work of ministry? Is its purpose to make disciples and evangelize a lost world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Yes, to


He’ll Do to Ride the River With

“He’ll Do To Ride The River With” In the days of the old West, that was the highest compliment one cowboy could give another: “Here is a man you can depend on . . . A fellow you can count on . . . A guy you can trust! . . . A man who

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