Cowboy Sermon


What do you Think of When you Hear the Word Church?

What do you think of when you hear the word, ‘Church’? I grew up thinking of the church as a building. Maybe that’s true for you too; you think of a place, a building, a structure of some kind. In today’s culture some may picture a storefront, a tent, or even someone’s home. But the […]


Is there a Difference Between Praise & Worship?

Is there a difference between worship and praise?  Yes! Understanding the difference between  worship and praise can bring a new depth to the way we honor and worship the Lord. All through the Bible, we see commands to “praise the Lord” . . . Angels and the heavenly hosts are commanded to praise the Lord— Psalm 89:5; Psalm


Three Steps to Reading the Bible for Proper Understanding

No preacher or teacher can adequately preach or teach God’s Word without having adequately read God’s Word. Paul advised his young son in the ministry to “accurately handle the Word of Truth” for “all Scripture,”writes the Apostle, “is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that


What is so Amazing about God’s Amazing Grace?

“Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me” God’s Amazing grace is something that Paul never got over. Eighty-five times he wrote about grace. You never have to go far in any of his letters without running into the word, “grace”. Three times he recorded the time, when on his way to Damascus to imprison

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