Is there a Difference Between Praise & Worship?

Is there a difference between worship and praise?  Yes! Understanding the difference between  worship and praise can bring a new depth to the way we honor and worship the Lord.

All through the Bible, we see commands to “praise the Lord” . . .

Praise has to with the joyful recollection of all God has done for us. Closely intertwined with thanksgiving, when we praise God, we offer back to Him Continue reading “Is there a Difference Between Praise & Worship?”

Three Steps to Reading the Bible for Proper Understanding

No preacher or teacher can adequately preach or teach God’s Word without having adequately read God’s Word. Paul advised his young son in the ministry to “accurately handle the Word of Truth” for “all Scripture,”writes the Apostle, “is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (II Timothy 2:14; 3:16-17

Three Steps to Reading the Bible . . .

1 Read the Bible in in its proper context: You can prove almost anything you want to Biblically, if you take Scripture out of context. Read what the Bible is saying before and after the text. Read other Scriptures that relate to the text and topic that you are preaching or teaching. Be careful that you are saying the same thing God is and that you are not contradicting His Word.  What you preach and teach must agree with the whole Bible.

2 Read the Bible bi-focally:That is, read it first as it is reflects the day and age in which it was written. What was the writer saying to the recipients of his day, i.e., what was Paul saying to the church in Corinth when he wrote about eating meat sacrificed to idols (I Corinthians 8)? Secondly, what does it say to us today?

3 Read the text prayerfully: Allow God to speak to you. The Holy Spirit led the mind and heart of those who wrote it (II Timothy 3:16) so, allow God to lead you in the understanding of it.

If other thoughts or recommendations for a proper reading and an adequate understanding of God’s Word come to your mind, please share them. I welcome your comments!

What is so Amazing about God’s Amazing Grace?

“Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me”

God’s Amazing grace is something that Paul never got over. Eighty-five times he wrote about grace. You never have to go far in any of his letters without running into the word, “grace”. Three times he recorded the time, when on his way to Damascus to imprison Christians he came face-to-face with the Amazing Grace of God; grace,  that saved even a wretch like him. Continue reading “What is so Amazing about God’s Amazing Grace?”


Forgive and you will be Forgiven

Two women with a long-standing friendship had a serious falling out. As a result, for the next several years they refused to speak to one another. Ultimately one of the women became severely ill. Remembering her old friend, she invited her to her bedside and there they made amends. They buried the hatchet and forgave each other. It was a joyous reunion.

But when the visiting woman was leaving the sick woman said to her re-united friend, “I want you to know that today, I did forgive you, but should I Continue reading “Forgiven”

ENCOURAGEMENT ~ Watchword for the Day

An allegorical story is told of a meeting of the devils of hell. It was a strategy session and the issue was how to defeat Christians in their daily living. Many suggestions were made. Finally, a bright young demon came up with an idea recognized by all to be the key. He suggested slowly planting bits of bad news here and there until discouragement had taken over. That was it. The Continue reading “ENCOURAGEMENT ~ Watchword for the Day”