“You Can go Home Again”

“Forgiven” Thomas Blackshear

You’ve hard the saying, “You can’t go home again!” Well, there is a well-know story of a young fellow who did go home again. It began with the young man asking for his share of his father’s estate. And when he received it, he left home and traveled to a far country and there through a series of bad decisions and a lax life-style, lost every cent he had.

Destitute and in severe want he hired himself out to a rancher and was given the most deplorable jobs, mucking out the horse stables and other menial tasks others didn’t want to do. Finally in complete desperation and totally fed-up with himself, he deiced to go back home; anything would be better than this, even to be a hired-hand and live in a bunk house on his father’s ranch.

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