Fence Post Devotionals “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

Forever Kept in the Father’s Hand

“Those who belong to Me hear My voice, and I know ‘em, and they come along with Me; and I give them life everlastin’ so they will never die. And for sure, nobody’s gonna take ‘em from My hand, no-sir-ee! See, My Father has done given ‘em to Me. He’s greater than all; nobody can snatch His own from His hand” John 10:27-29 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”).

One day, I playfully reached out and grabbed my 12-year-old daughter when she was walking by, pulled her up close to me and said, “I got you!” “Now what do you want me to do?” She said, “Don’t ever let me go!” I choked out the words, “I never will! I promise!”

That is very much what we hear our Lord saying. In our text, John describes  Jesus as the “Good Shepherd” who knows His sheep, those who belong to Him. And as the “Good Shepherd,” Jesus promises to watch over and keep His sheep safe now and throughout eternity, never to let go of those who belong to Him.

And to further emphasize His keeping strength, He tells us that it is His Continue reading “Fence Post Devotionals “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style””

Fence Post Devotionals “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style

The Shepherd’s Voice

“And when he’s gathered up all his own sheep, he walks ahead of them and they follow him ‘cause they know his voice. The sheep won’t follow a stranger. No-sir-ee, they will all run off from him ‘cause they don’t know his voice” John 10:4-5 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”).

A number of years ago, I took a summer job with a dairy farmer to help pay some` expenses incurred while attending seminary. First day on the job, the dairy farmer introduced me, by name, to all 98-head of Holstein milk cows. They all looked remarkably the same to me. But after milking them for a while, not only did they start looking different, each, I discovered had her own unique personality.  Actually, I changed their names to match the personalities of the church members where I was serving as pastor.

Each evening at milking-time, the owner would call out to the grazing cows, and they would make their way to the milk barn. No problem! He would call and they would come. They knew his voice.

About mid-way through the summer, the dairy farmer and his family took a week-end vacation and left the milking operation to me. That first day, when it was time for the evening milking, I cupped my hands around my mouth and called out to the cattle just like Glen, the dairy farmer did. A few began to meander toward the barn, but most stood stock-still and just looked at me. I was a stranger and they did not recognize my voice!

I finally had to saddle a horse, ride down to the pasture and push the milk cows to the barn. I repeated the same procedure every day until their owner returned. He called; they came! Why? Because they knew his voice!!

You see, that is what Jesus is saying. Those who belong to Jesus know His voice and they will follow Him.

Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28).

Fence Post Devotional “The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”

The Lamb of God

“He looked up, ya see, and there was Jesus walkin’ past at that very minute. ‘Look yonder!’ said John. ‘The very Lamb of God Himself!’ John’s men (called dee-sie-puls); well they knew exactly what John was a sayin’. They lit out after Jesus” John 1:36-37 (“The Gospel of John Cowboy Style”).

When John called Jesus the “Lamb of God,” well he plumb said a mouthful. You see, there were some fellows years before in the Old Testament, like the prophet Isaiah who referred to Jesus as the “Lamb of God.” In fact, something like 700-years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Isaiah had this to say about Jesus . . .

“He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, So He did not open His mouth” (Isaiah 53:7).

And generations before that, when Issac was climbing Mt. Moriah,carrying with him all the necessary ingredients for a sacrifice; everything except the sacrificial animal, he asked his father, Abraham, “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” And Abraham said, “God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering.” (Genesis 22:7-8). And sure enough God did provide the sacrificial animal (a ram caught in a thicket) in place of Issac.

But the ultimate answer to Issac’s question happened on another mountain years later when God provided the Lamb, His very own dear Son to die on an old rugged cross as the perfect sacrifice for the redemption of all mankind.

You see, John was absolutely right that day, when standing with his disciples, he pointed to Jesus and proclaimed for folks of all generations, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

And because of the sacrifice of that one true Lamb of God, we will join the chorus of saints as we gather around the throne some future day in heaven and with loud voice proclaim . . . 

“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing” (Revelation 5:12).